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An Open Letter to Our Clients: Navigating WordPress Ecosystem Changes

October 16th, 2024
Mohamed M.
Mohamed M.

Dear valued clients and WordPress community members,

At BSMG Digital, we believe in clear communication, especially during times of change. Recent developments in the WordPress ecosystem have sparked discussions, and we want to address them head-on.

Understanding the Situation

Over the past few weeks, a dispute between WordPress co-founder Matt Mullenweg and WP Engine, a major hosting provider, has unfolded. This has led to several actions affecting the broader WordPress community:

  • WordPress.org temporarily blocked WP Engine from accessing its resources
  • WordPress.org renamed the Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) plugin to Secure Custom Fields (SCF)
  • Some WordCamp events removed WP Engine’s sponsorship

These events have raised questions about WordPress’s future, its governance, and the platform’s stability.

Business as Usual for You

Here’s the key takeaway: This situation shouldn’t affect your day-to-day operations. Your WordPress sites remain stable and secure. At BSMG Digital, we’re committed to ensuring uninterrupted service and support for all our clients.

The Bottom Line

While the WordPress community navigates these changes, remember:

  1. Your websites and businesses aren’t directly impacted by this dispute
  2. WordPress remains a robust, secure, and widely-supported platform
  3. The open-source nature of WordPress ensures its longevity and continued development

CRM Options Are Plentiful

We understand you might be considering alternatives. The CRM landscape offers numerous options:

  • Drupal: A powerful, flexible open-source CMS for complex websites and applications
  • Headless CMS options: Platforms like Contentful, Strapi, or Ghost provide flexible content management
  • Other open-source alternatives: Joomla, TYPO3, and October CMS offer mature solutions

While we believe WordPress remains an excellent choice for most websites, we’re happy to discuss these alternatives to find the best fit for your needs.

Our Commitment to You

At BSMG Digital, we’re dedicated to providing top-notch WordPress services and support. We’re monitoring the situation closely and will make any necessary adjustments to keep your websites stable and secure.

Looking Ahead

We see this situation as an opportunity for growth within the WordPress ecosystem. We anticipate:

  • Clearer guidelines for contributions and recognition
  • Improved transparency in decision-making
  • A renewed commitment to collaboration

The WordPress community is resilient, with many stakeholders working to ensure its continued success.

Stay Informed, Not Alarmed

We encourage you to stay informed about these developments, but there’s no need for alarm. If you have concerns about your specific website, please reach out to our support team. We’re here to help you navigate any challenges and make the most of your WordPress experience.

Thank you for your continued trust in BSMG Digital. Together, we’ll embrace the changes ahead and continue to thrive in the dynamic world of WordPress.

Sincerely, [Your Name] CEO, BSMG Digital